
这里列出的学位要求反映了当前的目录标准.  你的学位 要求由您开始该课程的学年决定.

General Requirements

  • Fulfillment of the general requirements for admission to the School of 研究生 and Professional Studies.
  • A bachelor's degree from an accredited institution with an undergraduate concentration in 数学 and a B average or better (3.0 or higher from a 4.0 scale) in advanced undergraduate 数学课程s. An undergraduate concentration in 数学 is 定义为成功完成至少四门高等数学课程.
  • 未达到上述要求的专注度或平均成绩的申请人可获得 conditional admission.
  • Any international student who wishes to apply to the Masters of Science in 数学 除了满足所有其他要求外,还必须提交一份官方报告 copy of scores received on the 数学 subject test of the 研究生 记录 Examination (GRE).
  • 为了获得全额录取,有条件录取的学生必须 complete four approved graduate 课程s (which could be credited to the degree) with 平均成绩为B或更高,如有需要,还需提供他们的必修课程.
  • Completion of at least 33 graduate credit hours.
  • 在研究生阶段完成最多12个学分的4000级课程 student status may be applied towards the degree provided a grade of B or better is 每项收入. 4000级课程中有两门(最多6小时)可以选择, with the consent of the graduate adviser, from interdisciplinary 课程s in mathematical biology, mathematical physics, or computer science.

Specific Requirements

MATH 5220, 5420, and select one 课程 in an area of geometry selected from the following: MATH 5120, 5130, 5140.



Selected with the approval of the graduate advisor.

完成剩余的9-12小时,从批准的4000或5000级中选择 适用于硕士学位的数学课程.

The following 4000-level 课程s cannot be applied to the master's degree: 3005, 4000, 4010, 4020, 4040, 4050, 4060, 4070, 4920, 4940. This list is not exhaustive; consult the graduate advisor.

* Needs prior approval from the graduate committee.

数学 (MATH) Course offerings

注意:报名参加数学课程的学生必须至少获得C级成绩 在所有的数学和计算机科学的前提课程.

Prerequisite: Standard Teaching Certificate.

An exploration of both content and pedagogical topics for teachers of primary school 数学. 主题可能包括新的课程计划、教材和教学策略; calculators and computers, number systems, operations of arithmetic, and problem solving, as well as topics of current interest. A hands-on approach using manipulative and concrete models will be a focus for the 课程. May be repeated for up to a maximum 六个学时. 不能用于满足认证或 a bachelor's or master's degree.

Prerequisite: Standard Teaching Certificate
An exploration of both content and pedagogical topics for teachers of middle school or junior high school 数学. Topics may include new curriculum programs, teaching materials and strategies, calculators and computers, geometry, probability and statistics, relations, equations and problem solving, as well as other topics of current interest. 可以重复最多六个学分吗. 不能使用 to satisfy 认证或学士或硕士学位的要求.
回顾微积分、线性代数的基本原理,以及证明的本质. 不能使用 for a master's degree.
Course for in-service teachers. 教学、理念和课程内容的变化 of pre-collegiate 数学. 不能使用 for a Master's degree.
Prerequisite: MATH 1020 or MATH 1200 or HON 1300 and HON 1310; and a 2000-level 数学 课程.
质数. Euclidean algorithm. Greatest common divisors and least common multiples. 模运算. Diophantine equations. Integration of the content in elementary 还有中学. 可以不用于毕业学分的数学或数学 secondary education options. 不能使用 for a master's degree.
Prerequisite: MATH 1020 or MATH 1200 or HON 1300 and 1310; and a 2000-level 数学 课程.
Incidence relation, angles, congruence, measurement, compass-and-straightedge constructions, circles, arcs and arc length, polygons, similarity, right-triangle trigonometry, area, 体积,坐标几何在二维和三维. Integration of content in the elementary 还有中学. 不能使用 for a master's degree.
Prerequisite: MATH 1210 or MATH 1200 or HON 1300 and 1310 or equivalent; and a 2000-level 数学课程.
Groups, rings, fields and their applications. Integration of content in the elementary 还有中学. 不能使用 for a master's degree.
Prerequisite: MATH 1400 and MATH 4050 or equivalent.
The historical basis of numeration, operations, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and 微积分. 数学的文化方面及其对知识的贡献 学习. 小学与中学的内容整合. 不能使用 for a master's degree.
Basic elements of probability and statistics with special emphasis on teaching strategies. 不能使用 for a master's degree.
A review of the basic elements of 微积分 with special emphasis on teaching strategies. 不能使用 for a master's degree.
Prerequisite: MATH 5090 or consent of 这个部门.
A continuation of MATH 5090. 不能使用 for a master's degree.
Prerequisite: MATH 4110.
Axiom systems, Euclidean geometry, non-Euclidean geometry, theory of incidence, theory of order, affine geometries, similarity and congruence, models of geometries, distance and measurement, ruler and compass constructions.

Prerequisite: MATH 4110.
Analytic and axiomatic projections, theory of conic sections, Pascal's and Branchon's theorems, linear transformations.

Prerequisite: MATH 4410.
欧几里得空间中的曲线和曲面理论,Frenet-Serret公式,高斯 curvature, and geodesics.

Prerequisite: Consent of 这个部门.
Concept of topology, topological and metric spaces, continuity, connectedness, generalized limits, and separation concepts.

Prerequisite: MATH 4210 or equivalent.

Prerequisite: MATH 4250.
群论:群作用,西洛定理,简单可解群. 场 theory: Galois correspondence, radical extensions, algebraic and transcendental extensions, 有限域.

Prerequisite: MATH 5220.
Continuation of MATH 5220, Commutative algebra: integrality, Hilbert basis theorem, modules over PDI; non-commutative rings: Jacobson radical, Artin-Wedderburn theorem.

Prerequisite: Math 5220 and 5230.
交换环及交换环上模的介绍. 链的条件, Noetherian and Artinian rings. 本地化. Finitely generated algebras over a field 和品种. 进一步的主题可能包括离散估值环和Dedekind域, completions,Nullstellensatz.

Prerequisite: MATH 4250.
代数理论及其在理论计算中的188bet金宝搏官网登录网址. Topics include finite state automata, Turing machines, computability, the theoretical limits of computers, 编码理论.

Prerequisite: Math 5220.
由多项式方程定义的曲线/曲面的几何学. Emphasis on concrete computations with polynomials using computer packages, interplay between algebra and geometry, as well as algebra and biology. Algebra and topology presented as needed.

Prerequisite: MATH 4410.
Infinite series of real and complex terms, including the summability methods of Abel and Cesaro; tests for convergence of series of positive constants, including those of Cauchy, Maclaurin, Gauss; alternating series; conditional convergence and Riemann's theorem; absolute and uniform convergence; theorems of Weierstrass, Cauchy, Abel, Levi and Steinitz; introduction to the theory of divergent series.

Prerequisite: MATH 4410.
Functions of bounded variation, Riemann-Stieltjes integral, topology of the real line, 测量理论,可测量函数,勒贝格积分,其他选定主题.

Prerequisite: MATH 5420.
数学5420的延续:Radon-Nikodym定理,LP空间,Riesz表示 theorem, functions of several variables, inverse and implicit function theorems, smooth manifolds, tangent and cotangent bundles, vector bundles, differential forms, pullback, wedge product, integration, Poincare lemma.

Prerequisite: MATH 4450 or 4410.
复数和多基因和单基因函数,残馀理论,泰勒 劳伦级数,柯西-黎曼方程和拉普拉斯方程.

Prerequisite: Math 5440.
Harmonic functions and the Dirichlet problem. Introduction to Riemann surfaces. 负 curvature and Picard's Big Theorem. Further topics may include Hardy spaces, Corona 定理,对黎曼曲面的深入研究,以及均匀化定理.

Prerequisite: MATH 5420.
Hahn-Banach theorem, weak topologies; operators on Hilbert and Banach spaces, normal, self-adjoint, and compact operators; geometric and spectral analysis of linear operators; generalized functions. 根据老师的判断,傅里叶级数的188bet金宝搏官网登录网址, 数值分析,概率,或微分方程将讨论.

Prerequisite: MATH 2550 and 4410.
边值问题,带周期系数的线性微分方程, 非线性微分方程,摄动理论,庞加莱方法.

Prerequisite: MATH 2550 and 4410.
Classical solutions of first and second order partial differential equations, Bessel 勒让德函数,正交函数,边值问题的解 by the separation of variables and integral transformations, Laplace's equation, and 波动方程.

Prerequisite: MATH 5550, MATH 4410.
差分方程,迭代,艾特肯的平方法,斯蒂芬森的方法, Bairstow法,Bernoulli法,商差法. 额外的 topics may include Mesh-free methods, finite element methods, spectral methods, Galerkin type methods, and fast Fourier transform methods.

Prerequisite: MATH 5550.
Interpolation via polynomials, orthogonal families of polynomials, spline interpolation, least squares methods, and Fourier methods. 额外的 topics may include radial basis function methods and 卷积 kernel based methods.

Prerequisite: MATH 4600 or equivalent.
Random variables, conditional probability, multidimensional distributions, functions 随机变量,中心极限定理,极限分布.

Prerequisite: MATH 5610.
假设检验,点估计,置信区间,充分统计, Rao Blackwell theorem, and multivariate analysis.

The history of curriculum, content, and trends in 数学 of grades 7-12; study and analysis of major reports, recommendations, and theories in 数学 curricula and teaching and 学习; issues and trends in assessment practices; study and analysis 改革运动及其对课程设计、实践和信仰的影响 of 数学 and 数学 teaching and 学习.

Survey and analysis of research in the field of 数学 education; issues, research, and practices in the teaching and 学习 of 数学; critiques and conduct of research in the teaching and 学习 of 数学.

Prerequisite: High school 数学 teaching experience and consent of 这个部门.
Modern application of 数学 in such fields as economics, industrial management, psychology, political science, biology, ecology, and geography for high school classroom 利用.

前提条件:21个研究生水平的学分在数学和同意 这个部门.
Conducted by graduate faculty of department. The 课程 may be repeated under a different topic with the permission of 这个部门.

研究 under the supervision of a regular faculty member leading to the completion of a master's project.

研究 under the supervision of a regular faculty member leading to the completion of a master's thesis. (论文是由学校规定的具有精确格式的文件 研究生院. 论文形式参考《188bet金宝搏官网登录网址》.)