Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act

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《188bet金宝搏官网登录网址》旨在帮助失业者和 underemployed individuals as they return to the workforce. To qualify for the grant, applicants must meet eligibility and suitability criteria.


CSU WIOA Approved Courses


  • Agile Boot Camp (ABC)
  • Certified Scrum Analyst (CSA)
  • Certified Product Analyst (CPA)

这些课程为学生应对当今敏捷IT环境的挑战做好了准备 and Scrum certifications. Non-IT professionals are encouraged to enroll. Students 刚接触敏捷的人可能想要从传统的职业转型,比如 会计、客户服务代表、业务分析师、项目经理、 项目经理、主管、人力资源经理、开发人员等. After Agile 经过培训,获得认证的人可以在敏捷/Scrum领域工作:Scrum Master,产品负责人,敏捷项目经理,敏捷Scrum产品经理和Master Agile Business Analyst.

Course Fee: $5,097.00


  • Certified Agile Coach (CAC)
  • Certified Agile Facilitator (CAF)
  • Certified Enterprise Agility Coach (CEAC)
  • Certified Agile Transformation Coach (CATC)
  • Certified DevOps Transformation Coach (CDTC).

要获得敏捷管理硕士证书(MCAM),参与者必须完成 five (5) Agile courses. All Agile courses and Master’s Certificate in Agile Management (MCAM)是ISO 9001:2015, ISO 21001:2018和ISO 26515:2018认证,认可, and validated. 课程可以按任何顺序上,没有固定的结束日期 to complete all ten Agile courses. The Master’s Certificate program is very flexible 并且可以根据参与者的时间、日程和预算进行调整. These courses will 预备参加者应付当今资讯科技环境的挑战. These courses are also for non-IT professionals.

当前的敏捷专业人士,或者任何想要提升自己职业生涯的人,都是潜在的 适合担任以下职位:Scrum管理员、产品负责人、敏捷教练、敏捷项目 经理、产品经理、敏捷主管、敏捷Scrum主管、敏捷业务分析师、 and more.

参加了这个培训项目后,专业人士可以期望在中国找到工作 敏捷/Scrum领域:敏捷教练、敏捷协调人、高级敏捷教练、Scrum教练、 看板教练、SAFE教练、企业敏捷教练、敏捷转型教练、DevOps教练、 指导DevOps,敏捷转型领导,企业转型领导,敏捷转型 Director, and more.

Course Fee: $12,000.00


  • Certified Agile Leadership Professional (CALP)
  • Certified Business Agility Coach (CBAC)
  • Certified Agile Change Practitioner (CACP)
  • Certified Servant Leadership Practitioner (CSLP)
  • Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner (CEIP)

获得敏捷管理高级硕士证书(AMCAM),参与者 必须完成由188bet金宝搏官网登录网址(CSU)提供的总共10门敏捷课程. 我们所有的敏捷课程和敏捷管理高级硕士证书(AMCAM) ISO 9001:2015、ISO 21001:2018和ISO 26515:2018是否经过认证、认可和验证! 这些课程可以按任何顺序学习,没有固定的结束日期 all ten Agile courses.

高级硕士证书课程可根据学员的时间安排进行调整, schedule and budget. 这些课程将使参与者做好迎接挑战的准备 of today’s IT environment with specific certifications. These courses are also for non-IT professionals. Anyone who is already into the Agile field and wants to enhance 他/她的职业生涯包括Scrum Master、产品负责人、敏捷教练、 敏捷项目经理、产品经理、项目经理、项目经理、敏捷领导、 Agile Scrum Master, Agile Business Analyst, etc. these programs cater to their needs. 参加了这个培训项目后,专业人士可以期望在中国找到工作 敏捷/Scrum领域:敏捷教练敏捷协调人,高级敏捷教练,Scrum教练, 看板教练,SAFE教练,企业敏捷教练,敏捷转型教练,DevOps 教练,DevOps转型教练,敏捷转型领导,企业转型 Lead, and Agile Transformation Director.

Course Fee: $12,000.00


  • Leadership
  • Practices
  • Systems
  • Culture

本课程将为企业敏捷教练和领导者提供技能,以确保 smoother agile transformation. The training also focuses on enhancing learner's skill 在仆人式领导,组织变革,精益思维和专业教练. 参与者将在研讨会期间学习的一些要素是:如何组织 culture, structure, and dynamics impact agile transformation efforts; and how an Enterprise 敏捷教练可以调整他/她的策略,以达到团队和企业/业务的水平 agility; and how to improve the ability to design and implement a successful and sustainable 组织转型将带来突破性的端到端业务, cultural and human outcomes. Instruction includes processes, skills, tools, and techniques that help to overcome organizational dysfunctions and impediment. It also provides 学生用如何设计一个支持高性能、增强的系统 以客户为中心,并促进更高级别的企业/业务敏捷性. Additional 学习的重点是评估企业/业务敏捷性的成熟度 组件,并采取措施改善低成熟度组件的状态.

Course Fee: $2,200.00

该课程将涵盖敏捷教练的各种角色、技能和学科。 促进,指导,教导以及如何发展“你的风格”,进进出出 of those roles while remaining flexible, open and confident. It will also cover the 仆人式领导背后的哲学以及实践和技巧使你能够 become a true servant leader; putting the needs of others first to facilitate the development of high-performance teams.

Course Fee: $2,200.00

You will be introduced to Amazon Web Services (AWS) products ... more

该课程以整体的方式关注四个不同的方面:领导力,变革 Management, People and Culture. These aspects equip agile transformation coaches and leaders to have smoother agile transformation. The training also focuses on enhancing 学习仆人式领导、组织变革、组织健康、 people, transformation and agile enterprise. Some of the elements that participants 将在研讨会期间学习:如何组织文化,结构和动态 影响敏捷转换工作,以及敏捷转换教练如何进行调整 他/她实现和维持企业级转型的策略. What the 敏捷企业的目标是什么,以及如何组织/转换以实现敏捷性. 如何在企业层面成功实现瀑布到敏捷的转变. 检查敏捷转换中的失败是什么样的,以及如何克服这些失败.

Course Fee: $2,200.00

学生将在伊利诺伊州批准的医院接受全面的指导和临床培训 CNA program. 注册护理助理在所有类型的有执照的医疗保健工作 设施包括疗养院、家庭健康机构、收容所、医院和 intermediate care facilities. This is an eight (8) week program with an additional 一周的培训和三(3)次复习课程为认证做准备 examination. Classes meet three days a week for four hours a day. Students will also 完成卫生保健机构安排的40小时临床(每天8小时) on Fridays or Saturdays 7:00am-3:00pm. Participants must pass a background check.

Course Fee: $4,500.00

会计课程使个人成为专业会计师,审计师, 预算分析师,税务会计师,或为个人提供财务管理服务, businesses, and/or corporations (profit and not-for-profit).

虽然这些领域并不完全不同,但会计可以分为两大领域 领域:财务会计,强调财务的准备和分析 information; and managerial accounting, which emphasizes the decision-making process based on accounting data. The typical accounting graduate enters the profession as 会计师:公共会计公司、公司或政府单位的专职会计师. 学生可能渴望更高级别的职位,包括高级会计师,经理, controller, or partner of a CPA firm. Student must be currently enrolled at Chicago 州立大学,正在攻读工商管理学士学位 离完成学位至少还有9个学分,而且肯定已经筋疲力尽了 all other funding sources. 该职业批准的最高学杂费金额 is $5,000.

金融系学生学习企业财务管理、资本市场、投资 evaluation and decision making, and portfolio management. They learn the concepts 以及当前工业和研究中的金融方法.

在银行、金融、投资公司等行业有就业机会 the public sector. 金融专业为个人提供金融或银行服务做准备 services to individuals or institutions. Occupations include financial managers, loan 官员、证券销售人员、企业高管、银行出纳员和预算分析师. 学生必须目前就读于188bet金宝搏官网登录网址,已经在寻求一个 工商管理学士学位,至少九(9)个学分 完成他们的学位,并且必须用尽所有其他资金来源. The maximum tuition and fees amount approved for this occupation is $5,000.

完成商业计算机188bet金宝搏官网登录网址证书的学生将获得 数字素养和技术技能,成为在商业环境中有报酬的就业 做过客户服务代表、一般办公室工作、接待员、秘书 and teller. 学生将精通工业软件,如微软视窗 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址程序(Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Access、Outlook、MS Publisher). Students must 顺利通过微软Office专员考试,获得行业认证. 微型计算机188bet金宝搏官网登录网址讲座和实验室将为您提供实践经验 相关的商业软件使用操作系统,电子表格,数据库, word processing and presentation applications. Prerequisites: consent of department.

Course Fee: $1,412.00

参加商业基础课程的学生将获得可转移的技能 在商业环境中从事有报酬的工作,如售货员、档案员、 receptionist, administrative assistant, or clerical assistant. Students will gain 熟悉基本的键盘操作和微软Windows188bet金宝搏官网登录网址软件(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access).

课程:商务与专业通讯、微电脑188bet金宝搏官网登录网址、商务 Mathematics, Office Management and Consumer Education. The maximum tuition and fees amount approved for this occupation is $3,000. Course Fee: $5,145.00

To be a successful administrative professional... more

Paralegals play a vital role in the legal profession...more

When you become a dental assistant...more

Computers control much of the world today...more

Covid-19接触追踪器可以追踪可能与患者有过接触的人 以提醒他们,并隔离可能具有传染性的人. 接触者追踪是最重要的策略之一,与检测相结合, for containing the virus. 了解病毒传播、潜伏和感染的基本知识, 制定抗击Covid-19的公共卫生战略,培养良好的沟通技巧, 包括有效的面试技巧和跨文化能力. Program 参与者只需要一部有可靠WIFI的智能手机、平板电脑或笔记本电脑即可 访问课堂,阅读和材料,并提交作业. We welcome all applicants with a HS diploma or equivalent. The program focuses on the epidemiology 关注SARS-CoV-2的传播渠道和速度、潜伏期和潜伏期 infectious periods, infection rats, and symptoms. Students will learn why contact 追踪是阻断传播链的一项重要公共卫生干预措施, in association with widespread community testing. Students will learn how to conduct 有效的接触者追踪:调查、追踪、跨文化交流、伦理、 and accurate data collection. Students will also gain valuable employment-readiness skills, including effective interviewing. Class meets for three weeks.

Course Fee: $281.00


网络安全证书提供基础知识和技术技能 in applied cyber security. The coursework provides the education required to sit for 两个流行的行业认证:CompTIA A+考试和CEH Ethical Hacker examination. 这个证书提供了必要的技能和资格 在政府和政府部门从事初级信息安全分析工作 private sector. The program includes three main courses. TPS 3500 Computer Systems 技术:介绍计算机硬件和计算机硬件知识 以及软件各种故障排除技术和实际操作经验. TPS 4600188bet金宝搏官网登录网址网络安全:涵盖188bet金宝搏官网登录网址网络安全技术和工具 在以下领域:攻击和缓解、安全188bet金宝搏官网登录网址程序、风险评估、 灾难恢复和事件响应、移动设备安全性和脆弱性 assessment. TPS 4605188bet金宝搏官网登录网址道德黑客:涵盖黑客188bet金宝搏官网登录网址的技术, websites, database, hosts, and networks. This includes foot-printing, reconnaissance, scanning, enumeration, malware, social engineering, and sniffing. Sixteen weeks.

Course Fee: $3,026.00

 这个课程是为每个学生发展特殊技能而设计的 the field of dental assisting. All training takes place in a functional training facility 每个学生都将接受实际临床经验的培训. 我们的教师在牙科和综合医学领域有丰富的经验 目标为每个学生提供最高标准的牙科教育. Our objective 是为学生提供基本的牙科知识和经验方便吗 their career in dentistry. Upon completion of the course each student will receive 在消毒和安全处理和处置有害物质方面进行广泛培训; 基本的牙齿解剖和一般的四手椅边协助.

Course Fee: $7,175.00

这个50小时的透析技术员课程为学生提供了知识和 履行透析技术人员职责所需的技能. Under the supervision 由医生和注册护士组成,透析技师负责肾透析 机器,准备透析器再处理和输送系统,以及维护和 repair equipment. 此外,技术人员在透析过程中与患者一起工作 监测并记录生命体征以及局部麻醉剂和药物的使用 as needed. 此外,他们还可能参与对患者的培训 at-home dialysis treatment. Note: This program does not include a national or state certification as part of its overall objectives. Additionally, there is no student internship or clinical rotation offered as part of this program. Textbooks included.

Course Fee: $1,199.00

心电图技术员认证计划准备学生作为心电图技术员的功能 并参加ASPT-心电图(EKG)技术员考试和其他国家 Certification Exams. 本课程将包括重要的实践和背景知识 关于心脏的解剖学和生理学,医学疾病过程,医学术语, 医学伦理,法律方面的病人接触,心电图和压力测试. 此外,学生将使用心电图设备进行练习,并在实验室进行动手操作 包括心电图机的功能介绍和正确使用,正常 解剖胸壁适宜导联放置、12导联放置等临床188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 practices.

Course Fee: $1,199.00

If you have more than a year of HVAC/R experience...more

This course will prepare you for an entry-level career in ...more.

Medical Assistant Training ...more

医疗计费和编码课程是一个为期12周的课程,包括四(4) courses that are WIOA approved. The Medical Billing and Coding career field is for those who want to work in health care. Medical Billing and Medical Coding are actually two distinct jobs. 医疗计费员负责确保每个人都有账单 correctly; which involves talking with patients and/or health insurance companies on a regular basis to make sure all invoices are paid. Medical Coders do not have much interaction with insurance companies nor patients. This job is perfect for someone who would prefer to spend time analyzing and coding data. Every duty performed in 医务室有一个特定的代码,需要正确编码 in order for proper billing. The Medical Coder and Biller often work together to make sure all invoices are paid properly.

Course Fee: $3,090.00

Medical Scribe Training ...more

个人护理助理协助老年人和残障人士完成学业 个人在家中或护理机构的日常生活活动. 个人护理助理可以协助基本的家务以及准备饭菜. 职业培训的目标是掌握个人卫生、着装、 and ambulation; advising individuals in nutrition, household cleanliness and hygiene; monitoring vital signs and medication under supervision; communication and working with families on changes in lifestyle and companionship; documentation of

client status and; case review and consultation with the care team on needs of the clients. 个人护理助理的培训为参与者在家工作做好了准备 护理机构和长期住宿护理机构为以下个人提供服务 are incapacitated, convalescing or disabled. This is a two-week training program. 作为直接服务专业,个人护理助理的培训提供基本技能 in activities of daily living, communication and safety. All of which are part of 在护理和职业治疗中使用的基本技能. This 培训将允许个人完成短期培训并获得就业 在完成基本技能培训和/或课程先决条件的同时支持他们. Course meets for two weeks.

Course Fee: $1,275.00

本课程将教你如何管理医疗助理... more

这是向潜在雇主展示你的知识和技能的重要方式 ...more

本课程将教你如何使用SQL来构建188bet金宝搏官网登录网址程序和生成业务 reports... more

药学技术人员已经成为医疗保健行业不可或缺的一部分... more

如果你是一名高中生、年轻人或考虑改变的老年人, 这种培训将使你在新的职业生涯中有一个快速的开始. This eight-week 本课程将向你介绍社区药房技术人员的职责 as well as teach you how to interpret prescriptions. Class will also include in-depth 涵盖剂量计算,药物分类和联邦法律. You 将收到州许可申请,课程结束后, with regular attendance, a certificate will be issued. Workbooks are required and can be purchased from the instructor for $60.00. Enrollment is limited. Class meets for Eight weeks.

Course Fee: $542.00

高级人力资源专业人员在管理企业的战略愿景方面发挥着关键作用 human resources department... more