Video Game Design Training 

Become a Video Game Designer 

video game designer电子游戏产业是一个庞大的全球领域,而电子游戏设计师是领导者 通过创造游戏规则、角色和主要故事情节来主导游戏开发.  

学习视频游戏设计与这个100%的在线课程,将专业地指导你 in the design and development of your own PC video game. During your video game design 培训,你将学习编程语言,数学技能,游戏资产创建, modern real-time game engines, and general game development techniques. You will gain skills for creating your own textured and lit real-time 3D scenes. By the end of this 游戏设计课程,你将建立三个完整的游戏:一个3D街机游戏,一个 first-person adventure, and a custom game of your own.  

完成后,您将拥有加入视频游戏开发的必要工具 team or work independently as a designer.  

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Job Outlook for Video Game Designers 

According to, the average video game designer salary is $67,774 per year.  

随着电子游戏行业的发展,专业化的机会也越来越多. For instance, VentureBeat发现,仅在2019年,电子竞技领域的总收入就超过了10亿美元. 

Opportunities for video game designers are growing in the southern U.S., especially in emerging tech hubs like Austin, Texas, and Atlanta, Georgia.   


Video Game Designer FAQs 

大多数行业专家建议你必须喜欢并理解电子游戏 become a video game designer or developer. Hands-on gaming experience is a start, 但你也必须能够在纸上起草和构思电子游戏并进行翻译 this idea into design software. Beyond this, you need to master the four major skill 入门级电子游戏设计师使用的集合:编程语言,数学 skills, game asset creation, and modern real-time game engines.  

根据CG Spectrum,游戏设计师专注于游戏的功能,创造 系统,规则和游戏玩法,并帮助构建世界(故事和IP) it is playable, fun, and engaging. They also oversee both the foundation and execution of the game mechanics and overall user experience.  


游戏设计师必须精通技术,并且善于解决日常的复杂问题. The job description of a game designer can differ. Still, some specialized roles can include a level designer and/or a systems designer.   


关卡设计师专注于创造和执行关卡、环境、故事、 and quests. 相反,系统设计师专注于设计,然后实现 让游戏变得有趣的分分秒秒的玩法系统,比如控制、移动、 and combat.  

电子游戏设计师的职责可能因工作场所而异, 但他们通常专注于开发游戏玩法概念和增强用户体验 during the pre-production stage of a video game. This can involve tasks such as defining 游戏机制,设计关卡和谜题,创造角色艺术和动画. 
本课程中的大多数模块都是为Windows平台上的PC开发而设计的. 然而,你在我们的课程中学习的技术通常是非特定平台的. 在特定于平台的情况下,源代码通常可以移植到其他计算机上 开发平台(如macOS和Linux)的不同程度的努力. Consoles, 比如Xbox One和PS4使用封闭开发库,它们是不兼容的 with this course. However, most of the general game-engine development techniques 你将了解到它与所有主流主机都是兼容的,不管它们之间有什么不同 between APIs. 
虽然电子游戏设计师更多地参与角色、关卡和动画设计, 开发人员使用各种编程语言构建电子游戏的世界. 拥有技术和设计技能是计划和运输的一个重要方面 a video game. 


Course Objectives 

  • Develop a strong foundation in programming languages  
  • 精通不同游戏项目中常见的数学概念  
  • 对Unity引擎及其在创作中的188bet金宝搏官网登录网址有深入的了解 games and simulations in various genres  
  • 开发技能,创建自己的纹理和照明实时3D场景,可以 be experienced in modern game engines  
  • 构建三个完整的游戏:一个3D街机游戏,一个第一人称冒险游戏和一个自定义游戏 game of your own  
  • 准备好迎接更大更高级的项目,无论是在游戏领域内还是在游戏领域外   

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要参加这门课程,你需要对计算机有一定的熟悉程度, 强烈建议具有高中水平的数学背景. No prior game or graphics programming experience is necessary.  

The Video Game Design and Development course is for you if you seek a professional career as a game developer. It's also 非常适合热心的业余爱好者和游戏玩家寻找探索这个令人兴奋的 field as a recreational endeavor. 



Frank Luna 

Frank Luna从事交互式3D计算机图形编程已有十多年了. 他有15年的c++编程经验,曾作为承包商与 Hero Interactive, and on the open-source Scorch 3D engine. Since 2004, he has taught C++ and mathematics for games at the Game Institute. He has also written a number 最畅销的游戏和图形编程教材,包括“入门” to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11.0." 

John DeGoes 

约翰·迪戈斯在20世纪90年代开始编写软件和设计数字逻辑电路 early 1980s. 他一直积极参与计算机科学、数学、 and game development for more than fifteen years. He has authored two games programming 《188bet金宝搏官网登录网址》和《188bet金宝搏官网登录网址》 and several published articles on the subject. DeGoes holds a bachelor's degree in 他毕业于蒙大拿州立大学比林斯分校188bet金宝搏官网登录网址数学专业,目前正在攻读博士学位 in applied mathematics. 

Gary Simmons 

Gary Simmons started programming games in 1981. In May 2000, he founded, 一个教学网站,致力于帮助游戏程序员(爱好者和专业人士) alike) learn cutting-edge game programming techniques. Simmons has published dozens of full-length game development papers and tutorials. He has been teaching since 2001 and also serves as a faculty director. 

Adam Hoult 

Adam Hoult is the lead technology developer at the Game Institute. He started programming 在20世纪80年代初,已经开发了一些发动机和工具设计项目. 霍尔特花时间经营一家开发工具制作公司和游戏编程 site. 最终,他与同事加里·西蒙斯(Gary Simmons)合作开发了 successful teaching website. 

Brian Hall 

Brian Hall is an engineer and AI programmer at Midway Amusement Games. He currently 为即将推出的动作冒险主机游戏开发高级AI算法. He 还设计和编写了参数化机场生成软件SimAuthor 以及使用真实世界卫星图像的实时CLOD地形系统 and elevation data. Previously, Hall was a senior engineer at Accurate Automation 在那里,他开发了实时学习系统,用于检测飞行员引起的 oscillations in aircraft.  


Registration and Enrollment 

This course is 100% online. Start anytime.  


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