
This online content is provided as a resource for the 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 community.  内容可能会更改.  请与能力办公室联系以获取更多信息 当前的信息.


A student with a disability is not required to disclose a disability unless that student 正在寻找住处.  住宿没有追溯力,也不能追溯力 applied to issues prior to the establishment of 住宿s in the current term.  

To support eligibility for reasonable 住宿s as an individual with a disability--covered under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)--a student must disclose a disability and provide documentation that meets the college's guidelines to establish that the student has a physical or mental impairment 严重限制一个或多个主要的生命活动. 文件应证明 每个功能限制及其与每个住宿请求的关系.

大学不提供残疾评估.  每个学生都有责任 for obtaining the appropriate testing or evaluation report by referring to the Documentation 有关标准 CSU能力办公室策略页面.  






  1. 点击这里 if you have not already completed the 新申请人 Accommodations Request form
    • 填妥表格后,请勾选确认框 并选择 “提交请求”
  2. 提交你的 核实残疾表格 以及任何相关的医疗文件 (请参阅文档指南) 到能力办公室 电子邮件 或者安排一次校内约会.
  3. Schedule and complete intake interview with the Assistant Director of 能力的办公室 安排入职面试

     4.The 能力的办公室 will complete a file review and send the student a status 用电子邮件告诉你下一步该怎么做 (审查可能需要5-10个工作日,在高流量期间可能需要更长时间)


未经证实的 行动要求—documentation has not been received or the documentation has been reviewed and does 不符合文档指南.  该学生可能需要外部资源 (i.e.(DRS)在此状态下.

正在审查-住宿请求已收到.  残疾文件已存档. 

  • 学生完成入学面试

等待--能力的办公室 sends one or more of the following documents to student for signatures.

  • 学生通过Adobe Sign收到一封包含以下文档的电子邮件:
    • 学生职责(需审阅,姓名首字母及签名)
    • 文件审核(需要审核并签字)
    • 文件指南(供您记录/无需签名)
    • 住宿协议(需审核并签字)
    • 附加政策(如适用)(需要审查和签署)


  • 学生收到一封带有住宿信的电子邮件 (以及其他适用的文件)
  • Each letter/document is individually addressed to the course instructor per student’s 目前的计划.
  • Once the student signs the letter/document, the letter is moved on to the professor 用于签名
    • If the student DOES NOT want a specific professor to receive the letter, the student 不应该在那封信上签名吗. 这封信不会寄给个别教授,如果 这个学生不签字.

所有文件均通过Adobe Sign发送和签署.  一旦所有的签名都被捕获 学生将收到一封来自Adobe Sign的电子邮件,其中包含最终的pdf.  学生们 encouraged to download all final documents and save them for their personal records.

  1. 点击这里 if you have not already completed the 更新申请人 Accommodations Request form
  2. The 能力的办公室 will complete a file review and send the student a status 电子邮件 还有下一步的指示 (在业务量大的时候,审核需要5-10个业务或更多)
  3. 学生将经历以下阶段: 


  • 学生通过Adobe Sign收到一封包含以下文档的电子邮件:
    • 文件审核(需要审核并签字)
    • 文件指南(供您记录/无需签名) This document can provide valuable information to you and your health professional 完成更新的文档时.

正在审查--住宿请求已收到并审核.  残疾的文档 综述了.


  • 学生通过Adobe Sign收到一封包含以下文档的电子邮件:
    • 学生职责(需审阅,姓名首字母及签名)
    • 文件审核(需要审核并签字)
    • 文件指南(供您记录/无需签名)
    • 住宿协议(需审核并签字)
    • 附加政策(如适用)(需要审查和签署)


  • 学生收到一封带有住宿信的电子邮件 (以及其他适用的文件)
  • Each letter/document is individually addressed to the course instructor per student’s 目前的计划.
  • Once the student signs the letter/document, the letter is moved on to the professor 用于签名
    • If the student DOES NOT want a specific professor to receive the letter, the student 不应该在那封信上签名吗. 这封信不会寄给个别教授,如果 这个学生不签字.

所有文件均通过Adobe Sign发送和签署.  一旦所有的签名都被捕获 学生将收到一封来自Adobe Sign的电子邮件,其中包含最终的pdf.  学生们 encouraged to download all final documents and save them for their personal records.

The student is active for that semester and all documentation has been received.

188bet金宝搏官网登录网址理解大学生的追求 住房 住宿s may require adjustments to ensure equal access to the residence facilities. As an institution, we are committed to complying with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Fair 住房 采取行动为残疾人提供合理的便利.

但是,请注意 住房 名额有限,先到先得. 我们鼓励你 submit your requests for 住宿s as soon as possible to ensure we have adequate 是时候处理你的请求了.

If you require single-room occupancy, please provide appropriate documentation from 持证医疗保健专业人员概述您的住宿需求. 我们将 work with you to identify an appropriate 住宿 that meets your needs and complies 我们的政策.

我们致力于提供一个安全,包容,方便的 住房 environment for all our students, and we look forward to working with you to meet 住宿需求


  1. 点击这里 如果你还没有填写住宿申请表
  2. The 能力的办公室 will complete a file review and send the student a status 电子邮件 还有下一步的指示 (在业务量大的时候,审核需要5-10个业务或更多)
  3. 学生将经历以下阶段: 


  • 学生通过Adobe Sign收到一封包含以下文档的电子邮件:
    • 文件审核(需要审核并签字)
    • 文件指南(供您记录/无需签名) This document can provide valuable information to you and your health professional 完成更新的文档时.

正在审查--住宿请求已收到并审核.  残疾的文档 综述了.


  • 学生通过Adobe Sign收到一封包含以下文档的电子邮件:
    • 学生职责(需审阅,姓名首字母及签名)
    • 文件审核(需要审核并签字)
    • 文件指南(供您记录/无需签名)
    • 住宿协议(需审核并签字)
    • 附加政策(如适用)(需要审查和签署)


  • 学生收到一封带有住宿信的电子邮件 (以及其他适用的文件)
  • Each letter/document is individually addressed to the course instructor per student’s 目前的计划.
  • Once the student signs the letter/document, the letter is moved on to the professor 用于签名
    • If the student DOES NOT want a specific professor to receive the letter, the student 不应该在那封信上签名吗. 这封信不会寄给个别教授,如果 这个学生不签字.

所有文件均通过Adobe Sign发送和签署.  一旦所有的签名都被捕获 学生将收到一封来自Adobe Sign的电子邮件,其中包含最终的pdf.  学生们 encouraged to download all final documents and save them for their personal records.

The student is active for that semester and all documentation has been received

188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 recognizes how beneficial ESAs may be for some students in campus 住房, which is why we have a process for students to request them as an 住宿.

Part of that process involves providing documentation from a licensed professional 你和谁有关系 建立了治疗 关系谁可以说话,你的住宿需求.

请 aware that there are some online companies that promise to write a letter 以你的名义在一次会面后.   不幸的是,一次与一个人的会面 you paid would not constitute appropriate documentation, as the individual is not 实际上是在招待你. 此外,他们的信件通常不提供任何信息 about the impact of a disability or state why an ESA is necessary for you to live 在校园.  文档应该证明每个功能限制及其联系 每个住宿要求.



Updated 健康 Information, disability documentation, and animal pictures are required 每次续约合同(及到期后).


All students must receive approval through the 能力的办公室 BEFORE bringing an 动物进入宿舍楼



  1. A student requesting to keep an Emotional Support Animal in campus 住房 must make 向人才办公室提出的正式要求: http://www.基督教社会联盟.edu/dosa/diversity/abilities/accommodation_request.htm
  2. 学生必须向能力办公室提交残疾文件.

     3. 请 准备 在获得批准前提交以下文件:

    • 接种疫苗--The animal must be immunized against diseases common to that type of animal. 为 example, dogs must have current vaccination against rabies and wear a rabies vaccination 标签. 遵守当地的许可要求.
    • 健康--Animals to be housed in campus 住房 must have an annual clean bill of health 从有执照的兽医那里. 文件可以是疫苗接种证书 动物或兽医关于动物健康的声明. 这是船东的 清洁动物的责任. 每天梳理毛发,偶尔洗澡(在兽医那里) 或家庭住宅)都是推荐的.
    • 许可证--The college reserves the right to request documentation showing that the animal 是否已按照州/地方指导方针的要求获得许可.
    • 照片——动物的照片

The following factors, among other factors, may be considered as evidence in determining whether the presence of the animal is reasonable for University On-Campus living for 有情感支持动物的人:

  1. 动物的大小为可用分配的住房空间(e.g.(太大).
  2. The impact of the animal’s presence on another individual’s 住房 rights (e.g., 现有室友严重过敏)
  3. The animal’s disposition, behaviors, and evidence of being housebroken or able to 以合理的方式与他人相处
  4. 当前和适当的注册证明
  5. 当前和适当的疫苗接种证明
  6. Whether the animal poses or has posed in the past a direct threat to the individual or others such as aggressive behavior towards or injuring the individual or others; or the animal causes or has caused excessive damage to 住房 beyond reasonable wear 和眼泪



The 能力的办公室 communicates a student's approved 住宿 status through 使用通过Adobe E-Sign发送的信件.  该学生将被另发一份 给每个课程老师的信.  一旦学生以电子方式签署了信件, the letter automatically is forwarded to the professor for an electronic signature.  

If you would like to schedule an appointment to meet with someone in the Abilities 办公室,请来电 (773) 995-2380 或电子邮件 abilities@基督教社会联盟.edu.


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