
Female Student Watching Webinar


Financial health is an important step to a successful life. 与自我结合 Help Federal 信贷 Union, 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 is offering Money Moves Wednesdays! Join us to help keep 你 financially fit!

日期 描述


  • 财政援助计划: A comprehensive overview of federal financial aid programs.
  • 大学预算: Learn how to create the perfect budget.
  • 规划你的未来: Take control of 你r life by managing 你r money.
  • 省钱指南: Money saving tips 你 can’t afford to ignore.
  • 你可以处理它: Offers tools to help 你 successfully manage financial decisions. 本网站提供 information about money management; student loan repayment options, budgeting, and the benefits and dangers of credit cards.
  • 这是我的钱! 这你.S. government website is dedicated to teaching Americans the basics about financial 教育. Also includes information from 20 federal agencies.
  • 实用理财技巧: 金融知识 for everyone, including advice for graduates. 点击其中一个 the interactive activities to test 你r money management skills.
  • 负债: Are 你 a savings guru or debt casualty? Find out by taking the “Life or Debt” quiz.
  • 星期一: Improve 你r financial wellness by attending free weekly webinars that make it easy to learn about financial basics. Make sure 你 check out one of the interactive worksheets.


  • JumpStart现实检查: This “Reality Check” allows students to view the cost of current or future (aspirational) 生活方式. After choosing from various types of shelter, transportation, food, utilities 等., 你’ll be presented with the actual income needed to support that lifestyle.
  • 薄荷: This secure site will help 你 budget properly and reach 你r financial goals. It features real-time banking and credit card information. T在这里 is even a mobile application 随时随地节省开支!
  • FinAid Annual Budget Calculator: This annual budget calculator is geared towards the college student, including their unique expenses (tuition, fees and books) and income types (loans, grants, and scholarships).
  • Budgetpulse: Do 你 want the convenience of a free online budgeting app, but don't like the idea of downloading 你r personal financial information? Then Budgetpulse might be for 你.



  1. 规划你的未来: A helpful website that provides information on everything from budgeting to protecting 你rself from identity theft.  Personal finance from soup to nuts, 你’ll find it 在这里.
  2. Time Magazine: Terrible Financial Advice: This article from Time Magazine lets 你 know which common finance tips are better left on the cutting room floor.
  3. The Better 业务 Bureau: The Better 业务 Bureau provides information on trusted and respected charities 和企业. If 你 are purchasing something from a business for the first time, using the BBB can help 你 steer clear of possible scams or identity theft.
  4. Practical Money Skills for Life: A quick and easy to navigate website that provides information on how to budget, types of credit, consumer privacy and consumer awareness.  如果互动是 你r style, try the various calculators, games and videos on this site.


AARP Retirement Calculator: It's never too early to start saving for retirement. The earlier 你 start, the more 你的钱会增长!

工资 Tools and Calculators

Payscale.com工资.com, 事实上.com: These sites will help 你 find pay ranges for potential career choices and evaluate 未来的工作机会.




Use this calculator to help analyze 你r budget as a full-time student.


Use this calculator to predict a repayment plan with the student loans 你 have now.

Pay Off Student Loan or Invest Calculator 

The first step toward understanding what 你 should be saving or investing compared to how much 你 are expediting 你r student loan payments is 你r budget. 理解 what 你 can afford to put toward each of 你r goals, debt repayment included, before making a decision one way or another.

Your Future Income Calculator 

Use the link below to research likely starting salaries for the type of job 你’ll 正在寻找. Then, use the other tools in this section to see how that translates to a monthly paycheck and build a future budget for 你r future paycheck.

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