Policies & Procedures

Operating and Capital Budget Appropriation Request

对财政官员、系主任、院长、主管和高级官员进行教育和参与 在大学的预算流程中,我们目前的流程已经进行了讨论 at fiscal officers' meetings. Budget timeline has been developed for guidance and compliance. Our goal is to adhere to the budget timeline, however, some tasks may be subject to change. In addition, appropriation budget request forms have been revised to meet our current fiscal needs. Please complete the budget request forms to align with the University's Strategic Plan.

The budget request forms, if applicable, are to be completed for appropriated funds only.

申请新的业务预算拨款-说明该财政年度的资金 are being requested. Senior executive officers will consolidate and prioritize the funding needs submitted to them by various departments/colleges reporting to them. 他们将提交其部门级别的预算优先事项,以及其他适用的预算 budget request forms, to the Office of Budget and the University Budget Committee. 高级执行官将被要求在UBC成员面前展示他们的下一个 预算年度的经营预算请求,以及经营预算和资本性预算的拨款 requests for the upcoming fiscal year (i.e. 2 fiscal years from current fiscal year) early next year. The UBC will make its budget recommendations to the University President. 下一财政年度的预算申请由大学校长批准 将需要科罗拉多州立大学董事会的批准通过 the legislative budgeting process.

Reallocation Recommendations for President (or designees) and Vice-Presidents Only -鉴于科罗拉多州立大学和整个州目前的预算状况,重新分配 process is very important in order to fund unfunded critical needs. This form may 用于在行项目和部门之间永久地重新分配资源 or among colleges. Since this is a reallocation, budget changes should be zero sum transactions (total decrease column should equal total increase column). You will get an error message if the 2 columns are not equal. Only permanent budget changes 由大学校长或副校长批准的申请将由办公室处理 of Budget.
资本要求-表明你对即将到来的资本预算拨款的要求 fiscal year and beyond. Complete the narrative questions concerning the capital project(s) being requested. Click here 下载伊利诺伊州高等教育委员会的项目叙述说明. You may need some input/assistance from the Physical Plant department to arrive at an estimated project cost.

申请机构资助(可选)-此表格只适用于 grant-funded initiatives/programs that will now be funded with state appropriation dollars. Provide justification why the grant should be institutionalized, its benefits to CSU, and the department and current students. Submit supporting documents regarding 申请部门将如何支付包括人员在内的项目费用 and/or college or division. Indicate fiscal year and priority.

请将司级预算申请表格以电子方式提交预算办公室 at obudget@2ve6n74.net and hard copy request forms to UBC.

预算办公室将协调内部业务预算的制定 非拨款经费,将以摘要形式提交执行局核准. 探索创收机会以满足运营需求是非常重要的 needs of your units and be able to serve our students, faculty and staff.

在CSU会计制度下,每个组织都必须同时表明这两种情况 expected revenue and anticipated expenditures. The approved detailed budgets will be loaded into the Banner system as your initial budget. If your actual revenues vary 根据你的估计,你将被要求调整你的预算 fiscal year.

作为财务主管,你应该管理你的支出以满足你的需要, 但不得超过你的年度实际收入(扣除无法收回的津贴,如适用).

财务官员将被要求完成显示预算的电子表格 自支持机构年度预计收入和计划支出. 年终余额必须为零(平衡)或正(盈余),但不能为负 (deficit). 

协助财政官员编制收支预算 following will be provided:

  1. Current fiscal year budget for personal services
  2. Prior-year and current fiscal year-to-date report on revenues and expenditures
  3. Projected mandatory fee revenues based on enrollment (for selected organizations)

请财务干事以电子方式提交初步预算草案 在4月的第一周提交给预算办公室进行进一步的审查和讨论 PRIOR to sending your budget submission to your vice-president/president approval. The final budget and personal services details will be forwarded by the Office of 预算提交给财务主管和副总裁/总裁进行电子审批 no later than the third week in April prior to the next fiscal year.

Key guidelines for the budget submission are as follows:

  1. Revenue increases of at least 10% will need a justification statement.
  2. Organizations which receive their revenues from mandatory fees (e.g., Athletics, Health, 学生会、设施、技术、活动、债券收益、校园改善、助学金) should plan on using an allowance rate of 5% for un-collectibles.
  3. 收入预算是在扣除不可收回款项后的预计总额 expenditure budget by line item. The total expenditure budget may not exceed projected revenues less allowance.
  4. Special care should be taken in completing the following expenditure items for the next fiscal year:

Personal Services

  1. 工资-所有持续人员的工资按其当前年化提供 salary. Unless prior agreement with the Office of Budget has been made for transfer of a position to other funds, budget all of your current positions. Report vacant positions on a separate line. Provide a reserve for a salary increase for continuing employees in the next fiscal year. Salary increase reserves will have a separate salary line, SI3XXX.
  2. 临时管理员(TA),额外帮助(XH),学生助理(ST), Overrides (OR), 加班(OT)和临时升级(UP) -每个职位的工资线 是否应该在个人服务细节和 included in the personal services total. Enter a budget of zero for any salary line not applicable to your operation. Please note that if you budget zero for any salary 如加班,你将无权在你的预算招致加班 expenses, unless a budget transfer is submitted and approved to fund the expense.
  3. New Positions - New positions added for the next fiscal year should be defined by 职位类别编号,头衔,并应包括如下所示的(2)至(4)项.

Example:   Position Title

C6132 Project Director

0846 Secretary III

如果您不知道新职位的职位名称或薪资水平,请 obtain the needed information from Human Resources.

For new staff hired into the created position, please provide:

  1. Individual's Name
  2. Percent Time Working on Project, if not 100%
  3. Number of Months Employment
  4. Total Salary for the Budget Year

Non-salary Items

Please indicate the dollar amounts proposed for each non-salary item. Enter budget of zero for any line item not applicable to your operation. If you have any questions regarding appropriate use of the line items, please call the Office of Budget.

Social Security/Medicare (7.65% for extra help; and 1.45% for all others) represents 雇主所要求的匹配,并以个人名义记入非挪用账户 services.


请参阅CSU X-Press查看您的上一财年和本财年年初至今的活动 as a guide to help you draft the budget for the new fiscal year.

If you have any questions, please call the Office of Budget at ext. 2063.

As we prepare, plan and develop the next fiscal year’s operating budget, we would 喜欢更好地了解各部门的支出计划,按项目(合同, commodities, travel, etc.) in light of the limited financial resources of the University by completing these forms. 

费用选项卡要求提供部门、组织编号、组织名称和帐户 number, account title, details (e.g. lab equipment lease, maintenance contracts with vendors A & B), and dollar amount (annual cost). Expenses of at least $5,000 must be listed on the Expense worksheet(s). Note that the information supplied in the Expense worksheet(s) will be used for planning and decision-making purposes in formulating the spending plan/operating expenditure budgets for the next budget year.  This list 不暗示或表示批准支出,并且需要批准 业务副总裁和总裁(仅限直接报告)在提交之前 to the Office of Budget for further review.  Only expenditures reviewed and approved 财务总监和总裁的预算将包括在下一个预算年度的支出计划/运营中 budget.

“重新分配”选项卡类似于预算更改表单(用于永久性预算更改) only).  With no new operating funds but with expanded or new programmatic priorities 在实施过程中,重新分配我们的财政资源至关重要 从部门和/或分部的某些领域为这些优先事项提供资金 the next budget year. Please complete the Reallocation worksheet(s) as well.

各部门主管和院长,请与你们的财务主管分享这份文件,以便完成. 将完成的费用和重新分配工作表交回预算办公室,地址为 obudget@2ve6n74.net by the deadline.