FERPA Guidelines

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

File FoldersThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 是一项保护学生教育记录隐私的联邦法律. The law 适用于所有接受美国政府资助项目资助的学校.S. Department of Education.

FERPA赋予父母关于子女教育记录的某些权利. 这些权利在学生年满18岁或入学时转移给学生 a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students".

  • 家长或符合条件的学生有权对学生的教育情况进行检查和复查 records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records 除非,由于距离太远等原因,父母不可能或不符合条件 students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
  • 家长或符合资格的学生有权要求学校更正任何记录 that they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend 记录,家长或符合条件的学生有权进行正式听证会. 听证会结束后,如果学校仍然决定不修改记录,家长 或符合条件的学生有权提出一份声明与记录设定 his or her view about the contested information.
  • 一般来说,学校必须有家长或符合条件的学生的书面许可 以便公布学生教育记录中的任何信息. However, FERPA 允许学校在未经同意的情况下向以下各方披露这些记录 or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):
    1. School officials with legitimate educational interest;
    2. Other schools to which a student is transferring;
    3. Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
    4. 与学生经济援助有关的适当团体;
    5. 为学校或代表学校进行某些研究的组织;
    6. Accrediting organizations;
    7. To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
    8. Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
    9. 州和地方当局,在少年司法系统内,根据具体 State law. 学校可以在未经同意的情况下披露“目录”信息,如 学生的姓名,地址,电话号码,出生日期和地点,荣誉和奖励, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students 关于目录信息,并允许家长和符合条件的学生合理的数额 时间要求学校不要透露学生的信息在目录. 学校必须每年通知家长和符合条件的学生他们在FERPA下的权利.


FERPA是一项适用于教育机构和机构的联邦法律 receive funding under a program administered by the U. S. Department of Education. The statute is found at 20 U.S.C. § 1232g and the Department's regulations are found at 34 CFR Part 99.

根据FERPA,学校通常必须负担18岁或以上或正在就读的学生 a postsecondary institution:

  1. Access to their education records
  2. An opportunity to seek to have the records amended
  3. Some control over the disclosure of information from the records.


  • Schools are required by FERPA to:
    1. 为学生提供检查和回顾其教育记录的机会 within 45 days of the receipt of a request.
    2. 向学生提供教育记录副本或以其他方式提供记录 对于学生来说,如果学生住在通勤距离之外 the school.
    3. 修改其他学生的姓名和其他个人身份信息 that may be included in the student's education records.
  • Schools are not required by FERPA to:
    1. Create or maintain education records;
    2. 为学生提供日历、通知或其他通常不提供的信息 contain information directly related to the student;
    3. Respond to questions about the student.

A school must:

  1. 在公开教育记录前,是否有学生的同意 the consent is:
    1. signed,
    2. dated, and
    3. states the purpose of the disclosure.
  2. 学生可以通过在熟女连接上添加授权用户来表示同意:
    1. Log into Cougar Connect
    2. Go to the My Info tab
    3. Click on Make Payment/Refund Selection
    4. You’ll be prompted to log in again
    5. You will land on the Account Summary  tab
      • You will see Setup Authorized Users
      • Click Setup Now
      • This gives access to your charges, payments & balance
      • It also gives us authorization to discuss your account.
  • 这个信息是向学校官员披露的,他们已经确定这是合法的 在该机构的年度权利通知中列出的教育利益 to students;
  • 学生正在寻求或打算入读另一所学校;
  • 披露是对州或地方教育当局的审计或强制执行 联邦或州支持的教育项目或执行有关的联邦法律 to those programs;
  • 为了所得税的目的,该信息是向学生的父母披露的;
  • 披露与确定资格、金额和条款有关 财政援助或执行财政援助的条款和条件;
  • The disclosure is pursuant to a lawfully issued court order or subpoena; or
  • 所披露的信息已被适当地指定为目录信息 by the school. FERPA是一部适用的联邦法律 教育机构和机构接受资助的项目管理 by the U. S. Department of Education. Parochial and private schools at the elementary 学校一般不接受这种资助,因此不受约束 to FERPA. The statute is found at 20 U. S. C. § 1232g and the Department's regulations are found at 34 CFR Part 99. Under FERPA, schools must generally afford parents: access 给自己孩子的教育记录——一个寻求有记录的机会 修订-对从记录中披露信息的一些控制. Parents 可以访问,寻求修改,或同意披露他们的孩子的教育 记录,除非有法院命令或其他法律文件明确说明 otherwise. 当学生年满18岁或进入高等教育机构时, 学生,而不是家长,可以访问,寻求修改,并同意披露 of his or her educational records. Access to Education Records includes, but is not limited to, the following:
  • Schools are required by FERPA to:
    1. 为父母提供一个检查和回顾孩子教育的机会 records within 45 days of the receipt of a request.
    2. 向家长提供教育记录副本或以其他方式提供记录 如果父母住在通勤距离之外 the school.
    3. 修改其他学生的姓名和其他个人身份信息 that may be included in the child's education records.